An Update on the Presidential Essay Contest

Interested individuals who would like to enter my new essay contest can do so by July 26, 2024 by midnight on this date. This is: “A Presidential Essay Contest.” A lot has happened since I introduced this contest on July 6th. Participants can address a any issue that they feel is important. Some of the issues that can be addressed include the debate between former president Donald Trump and President Joe Biden. What are some of the issues that you can care about in this campaign? Do you feel that President Joe Biden should stay in the race. How do you feel about Vice- President Kamala Harris. There are some Democratic leaders who feel that she would be a good person to run for president. One of her supporters is Representative Congressman Jim Clyburn from South Carolina. How do you feel about the Supreme Court decision giving Donald Trump immunity from prosecution?

     This is an open-ended contest where you can address any part of this campaign in your essay. You can also give your opinion on the Republican Convention. What do you want the Democrats to focus on at their Convention in August. My goal is to give people an opportunity to voice their opinion. This essay contest is just exploring the issues. I would like to encourage people to comment on any of the questions above. You can also add your own topics. This is a serious time in American history. Everyone must play a part. That includes casting your vote and doing research on the issues so that you are fully informed. This is what Democracy is all about!

Participants must submit no more than 2 and 1/2 typed written pages by July 26th. There will two prizes. First place prize is $175 and Second place is $100. All completed essays must be emailed to me at ewriter52@roadrunner. com. You must include at least two phone numbers where you can be reached written clearly. You can call me at (716) 847-6010 if you have questions. The question is: “Which Way America?” Where do we go from here?


Author’s Notebook


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