The 15th Annual Romeo Doyle Muhammad Scholarship Program: A Great Success

This Columnist would like to thank the individuals who came out on Saturday, July 6, 2024 at the Merriweather Library to congratulate the seven recipients of the Romeo Doyle Scholarship. The program was well attended with parents, family members, and the general community. The Scholarship is named in honor of my Late husband Romeo Doyle Muhammad who was a Veteran of the Korean War. He served our country with honor. The awards program is always held in the month of July which is the birth month of my late husband. He always encouraged students to stay in school and get a good education and to always do the right thing.

Special thanks to Dr. Ellen Grant CEO for Community Services at Roswell, Sister Shirley Muhammad from Mosque #23, Pastor Dwayne Jones of Mt. Aaron Baptist Church, Deacon Judson Price from First Shiloh Baptist Church, School Board Member Paulette Woods, Bessie Patterson Gospel Fest organizer, my 91- year old aunt Fannie Ruth Felts, of Silver Springs, Maryland and her daughter Regina, for their donations to the scholarship. I greatly appreciate their support. The students received a check for $500 and Certificates from Mayor Byron W. Brown and Congressman Timothy Kennedy for their academic achievement. Mayor Brown congratulated the students for their fine work. Congressman Tim Kennedy called them our Future leaders. Each certificate was read to the audience. The photo with this article shows the students holding up their certificates proudly. They also read their essays to the audience describing their future career goals. Special thanks to Veronica Golden for her support each year in encouraging students from Burgard high school to apply for the scholarship and to enter the Eye on History essay contests. Veronica Golden is a Social Worker and works hard with the students. She is a tremendous role model. Special thanks to Taylor Norton for attending from Congressman’s Tim Kennedy office.

The recipients of the scholarship are as follows: Melia Towns a graduate of Lockport High School and will attend Howard University in the fall, Marie Furaha a graduate of Burgard High School and will attend Erie Community College. Naia Marrow graduated from the Performing Arts Academy and will attend Rochester Institute of Technology. Dominique Grandy graduated from Burgard High School and will attend Villa Maria. Jonathan Douglass graduated from Cheektowaga Central High School and will attend Roberts Weselyan University. Zigabor Banuna graduated from Hutch Tech and will attend Carnegie Melon University. Syeda Jena graduated from the Emerson School of Hospitality and will attend the University of Buffalo.

Special thanks to Channel 2 News Reporter/Anchor Claudine Ewing who will cover the scholarship program on the monthly Community Program in a few weeks. The date will be announced in a future column. Congratulations to all of the scholarship winners! Many Blessings to you always!!

From Left to right, Dr. Eva M. Doyle is shown with he recipients of the 15th Annual Romeo Doyle Muhammad Scholarship held on June 6, 2024. The students from left to right are:

Melia Towns, Marie Furaha, Naia Marrow, Dominique Grandy, Jonathan Douglass, and Zigabor Grandy. Not shown is Syeda Jena. The students are holding certificates from Mayor Byron W. Brown and Congressman Tim Kennedy for their outstanding academic achievement.


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