Author’s Notebook: My Answer to a Rumor

Recently, I found out that a rumor was spread saying that I was sick. I am responding to this because it is not true!!!! I am doing well and doing good in all of my community work.

I wanted to respond because rumors can be dangerous! If a person gets away with an untruth about another person, in can lead to more rumors. I felt that I had to write a response to this.

I am a well-known journalist and I am concerned that this has happened at a time when journalists around the country are experiencing negative attacks. I am a former member of the National Association of Black Journalists. I am also a former Vice President of Print with the Black Journalists in Buffalo (BABJ). I served in this position for five years. I have been writing the Column Eye On History for 45 straight years. I began writing it in the Challenger news in 1979.

The column “Eye On History” will be 46 years-old this coming February, 2025. My column has also appeared in several national newspapers including the Chicago Defender, the African American Chronicle in Chicago, the Palm Beach Gazette in Florida, the Buffalo News, and other papers too numerous to mention.

I have some suggestions for people who want to know more about me. You can go to my Facebook Page and you will see hundreds of my community activities such as my Annual Romeo Doyle Muhammad Scholarship Program which I hosted on July 6th . You can also see announcements of my upcoming events. I also write about them in my Eye On History Column. I was honored by the Alpha Kappa Sorority in June 26 2024 at the Buffalo Museum of Science. The Sorority gave me an award for Community Service called “Lifting Up Our Community”. Pictures of this event are on my Facebook Page. You can also hear me on Saturday mornings on radio station WUFO 96.5 FM discussing a variety of issues with the hosts.

Finally, through the grace of God, I continue to write my column each week. To God Be the Glory!!! Send all comments directly to me at or visit my website at: to leave any messages. There is a contact page on my website!!!! I hope you will stay tuned to my column next week because it will include a very special article!!


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