A Special Election Day Essay Contest for Students in Grades 9–12 First Prize is $125.00

The goal of this essay contest is to give our youth a voice in this presidential election. They are our future leaders and voters. They need to have a part in this historical election. The following are the rules of the contest. Students must write a two and 1/2 page typed essay answering these questions:

  1. Who are the two main candidates and their running mates in this campaign?

  2. If you could vote, who would you vote for and why?

  3. What are some of the issues in this campaign? Choose two that you feel are important and discuss them.

  4. The candidates are planning to have at least one debate. Do you feel that they should have more debates? Why or why not?

  5. If you could give advice to the candidates, what would it be?

  6. Name the first Black woman to run for president of the United States. In your essay, write one paragraph about her.

  7. Imagine that you could be president of the United States one day. Discuss three things you would do to improve the country.

  8. The deadline to enter this contest is Wednesday, October 2, 2024 before midnight on this date. You can send the completed essay to ewriter52@roadrunner.com. You can also drop off your essay at the Merriweather Library.

Please include at least two phone numbers where you can be reached. Include your name, grade, and the school where you attend. The prizes are first place $125, Second place $75 and third place $50. This essay contest is sponsored by Dr. Eva M. Doyle, Retired Teacher and Columnist. For more information, you can call (716) 847-6010.


Author’s Notebook


Author’s Notebook: My Answer to a Rumor