A Word of Caution to Homeowners: Don’t be Quick to Sell Your Property

I am repeating this article that I wrote in 2021 because the problem is still here and getting worse as we go into a new year. This Columnist has received several phone calls in recent weeks from people seeking to purchase my land. Each time they called, I absolutely said NO!! I have spoken with several homeowners in the past few weeks, and they all have said the same thing. They are getting phone calls from people, mostly foreigners, wanting to purchase their land or home. I have no intention of selling any of my land to outsiders. I want to make this perfectly clear. Most of these calls are being made to homeowners on the Eastside of Buffalo.

It is unfortunate that some people are compelled to sell if they see themselves in financial difficulty. As I ride around our community, I see many for sale signs. Many of these home for sale are not that old. We must begin to organize and inform each other as to what is going on. The Eastside of Buffalo is the prize for any developer. I feel that when other people ride throughout our community, they are really looking at the land and the vacant lots that may one day be profitable to them.

When I went to an auction several years ago, the majority of people there purchasing properties were people from outside of our community. They were in groups, and they had a lot of money. I did not see too many Blacks in attendance. I was able purchase some land because I had ready cash.

There are some things that we can do to help ourselves in this situation. They are as follows:

  1. Don’t Be So Quick to sell your property. Think first before you make any moves.

  2. Keep up with your taxes, both city and county taxes. Pay them on time so that you will not end up on the city foreclosure list.

  3. Pay your user fees and water bills. If you have elderly parents, make sure that you help them if you can. If you don’t pay these bills you are in danger of losing your property.

  4. The city does have people and programs in place to assist anyone having problems with these bills. Make sure that you get the help that you need. Adult children can help their elderly parents in this matter also. Call City Hall to see what programs are available.

Finally, ownership of land is the key to generational wealth. Everyone should have a will where your wishes are known for those who are left behind. If you have a will, then arguments and dissension among family members will be reduced. Consult an attorney while you are able to do so.

Cut this article out and share it with your family. We must be proactive so that our land stays in our community and in our family!!


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