Author’s Notebook

…..If you tune into Channel 4, WIVB TV on Saturday, February 24, 2024 at 7:30 p.m., you will see my interview with news reporter Jeff Preval in a special Black History presentation. I will be discussing the 45th anniversary of my column Eye On History and my work in general as an Educator with the focus of teaching and sharing our history all year.

My book entitled, “My 45 Year Journey Teaching African and African American History in the Home, School, and Community will shared on the program.” The interview took place in the Dr. Eva M. Doyle auditorium at the Frank E. Merriweather Library. Special thanks to Jeff Preval and Channel 4 for this opportunity.

…..My next essay contest for adults will be announced on the first week of April, 2024. I want to give readers time to prepare for it. The topic for the next essay contest is: Who Would You Like to See Become the Next President of the United States?

Participants must give their reasons for their choice. We know that the two main candidates so far are former President Donald Trump and President Joseph R. Biden. As of the latest news reports, former Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley is still in the race.

In this essay contest you can also say who would you like to see enter the race as an independent candidate. The choice is yours. However, you must give reasons for your choice. The first prize will be $100, Second prize is $75, and third prize will be $50. There will be more information about this contest in the weeks ahead. All rules will be announced during the first week of April.

I will celebrating my birthday on March 14th. Please remember that the schools will be closed the week of February 19th for the Spring Break!!


The 15th Annual Romeo Doyle Muhammad Scholarship Applications Are Now Available


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