Tips for Writing A Book

Part 1

This Columnist is often asked how to write a book from potential authors. As an author of 13 books, I have my own strategies that I have used for many years.

My 13th book was published in December 2023. I had a very successful book signing at the Frank E. Merriweather Library. The title of the book is “My 45 Year Journey Teaching African and African History in the Home, School, and Community.” It is now available on Amazon.

Part 1 of this three-part series will include tips on how to write a book from my perspective and based on my experience. You might get different ideas from other writers based on their writing experience. One of the things that I know is that most people who want to write a book procrastinate and leave the writing of a book that they want to write until tomorrow. It is always tomorrow when they say they will write a book. I also meet people who have some very good ideas, but have those ideas on scraps of paper in a desk drawer or a filing cabinet somewhere. Procrastination is the main reason that most books are not written.

We can’t have enough books. If you go to the library you will find thousands of books on various topics. I listen to a radio program that comes on very late at night called “Coast-to-Coast AM” hosted by George Noory. The program covers many topics, from the bizarre to the real. It is very hard to get on the program as a caller. However, I have been successful to be on the program at least four times. I usually call in when the topics revolve around history. I use this opportunity to educate the listening audience and to discuss my work and my books. The program has an international audience. Many authors are guests on the program and they discuss their work. It is very interesting.

One of the things I want to get across is that when you write a book you must find ways to get your book out to the public in any way that you can. When I taught writing as a teacher in the public schools, I taught it as a process. First, come up with an idea, do an outline of main points that you want to address, do a rough draft, correct your mistakes, read it out loud, and then get ready to publish. Publishing can take many forms.

In my classroom I allowed my students to read their work, create artwork for it, and to create a space so that others could see it. I often had students create their own books out of paper, cloth, and even sew their covers. We put them on display in the hall and invited others to come see the display.

In this first article I would like to emphasize the following:

  1. Don’t Procrastinate.

  2. Don’ put off tomorrow what you can do today, Life is short.

  3. Answer this question: Do You have a passion about any particular subject? Is it sports, history, poetry, art, media, cooking, music, teaching, health, science, etc. or anything that interests you? Do you want to write a book about it?

  4. You can start with a journal. Write down your ideas and go from there. Write down your goals for writing the book. You have to start somewhere!

Remember that if you are writing about a subject in history, you must do your research and include your references. This will take time, but it is worth it. I always told my students that someone might ask them about their research. You must be prepared to answer with solid documentation.


Tips for Writing A Book


Author’s Notebook