Bus Rapid Transit Survey, Community Engagement Events Underway

The Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority (NFTA-Metro) is excited to announce the release of a public feedback survey to inform the Bailey Avenue Bus Rapid Transit project. The survey will be conducted from October 22nd through November 29th.

NFTA-Metro is asking for feedback on previous experiences and future wishes for the Bailey Avenue bus service. The online survey can be found at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BaileyAveBRT.

Community engagement is in full swing for the planning and pre-engineering of NFTA-Metro’s first ever Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) service along Bailey Avenue. Please visit the Get Involved page of the project website at https://baileyavebrt.com/getinvolved for a schedule of events or the main project website at https://baileyavebrt.com/ for more information.

The historic and transformational project is made possible thanks to U.S. Senators Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand securing $102 million dollars in federal grants (DOT). Additional funding was provided by New York Governor Kathy Hochul, Congressman Tim Kennedy, and the entire Western New York delegation.

BRT is a high-capacity bus-based transit system that delivers efficient high frequency bus service along a dedicated corridor. It is being implemented on Bailey Avenue to improve the transit service and rider experience on one of the busiest bus routes in the NFTA-Metro system.

The planning and pre-engineering phase, and associated public engagement, is expected to be completed in Spring 2025. Construction is anticipated UB – Cannabis Policies to begin in 2026.


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