The Winners of the Anti-Violence Essay Contest: Why Students Fight

This Columnist would like to announce the winners of the recent essay contest for students in grades 9-12. Students were asked to address the fighting among some of our youth in schools, the library, and other public places. This contest gave our youth an opportunity to express their opinions on this important issue.

Participants had to give reasons that cause students to fight and suggestions for solutions to this problem in their own words. They also had to describe any conditions in our community that they believe contribute to this problem.

The prizes for the contest were $100 first place and $75 second place. The winners are as follows:

  • Ari-Onna Webster, a 9th grader at Burgard High School was the first -place winner and she will receive $100.

  • Emon Shaw, a 10th grader at Burgard was the second - place winner and he will receive $75

In addition they will receive a gift bag with materials to encourage them to keep writing. These were the only two students in Buffalo to enter this contest. They each wrote insightful and direct essays. Congratulations to them for taking the time to express their opinions in well-written essays. It is important to give our young people a chance to write and comment on the issues that affect them directly.

The Awards program will be held on Sunday, November 19, 2023 at the Merriweather Library from 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. The awards program is free and open to the public. I would like to give a special thank you to Veronica Golden for encouraging our students to write. She has been an excellent advocate for many of the essay contests that I sponsor.

Veronica is also a former essay contest winner for adults. I appreciate her involvement with our youth. Veronica Golden is a Social Worker. She works at Burgard High School and gives valuable service to the students.

Our youth are our future leaders, and we must give them the opportunity to be involved in helping to solve the problems that we face in the community. For more information call (716) 847-6010.


Why Some Students Fight


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