Summer Activities for Our Youth

School will be out in a few months. It is important that parents and guardians plan activities to keep students involved in constructive activities during the summer months. There are a number of positive programs that will keep young people learning and having fun. The following are some ideas for parents:

Check with your local library to see what activities are available for our children. Visit the library website to find information about summer events. To find out about summer reading you can call (716) 858-8900 or visit the library website at The library has free programs, craft activities, and entertainment. It also includes a summer online reading challenge for both youth and adults.

Enroll your child in Mayor Brown’s Annual Reading Challenge. Type in your search engine the words: “Mayor Brown’s Reading Challenge” and you can apply online. All students have to do is to read several books, write a summary of what they read, and submit the summaries. You will also find a reading list for all grade levels on the website. This is an excellent way of getting students at all grade levels to read this summer. Students receive certificates, t-shirts, and a chance to win some great prizes. My granddaughter, Somalia Doyle, always entered this program for several years, and she is a good reader as a result. Somalia graduated from Medaille College. The Mayor’s Summer Reading Challenge encouraged her to read a variety of books.

There are a number of free summer sports programs. Check with your local community center or the YMCA to see what is available for your children.

Call the Buffalo Museum of Science at (716)896-5200 to find out what summer activities are scheduled for students. The museum hosts a discovery camp on various topics. There are also a number of interesting science exhibits to see. If you live in the 14212 zipcode area you can get the museum fee at a discounted rate. I have a family membership and I share it with my grandchildren.

Encourage your child to keep a journal to record their summer vacation. I used journal writing while teaching in the school system. It was an effective way to encourage students to write.

If you go on a summer vacation you can have your child write about it in their journals. They can also make postcards of scenes from the trip and share them with friends and family members.

Start planning for a summer of fun and learning now. Summer is almost here. Stay tuned to my article entitled “Black History in the Summertime.”


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