Buffalo Natives Jillian Hanesworth and Augustus Clarke Win Emmy Award for the Short Film “Still Here”
By The Mighty O’Ba Pat Freeman
Augustus Clarke and Jillian Hanesworth
The NFL 360 short film “Still Here” about Buffalo’s Resilience made after The May 14th Massacre and the Blizzard of 2022, which was poetically narrated by Hanesworth and co-produced by Augustus Clarke, both from Buffalo’s East side, had created a buzz around the country as one of the best short films which exemplified how an NFL franchise can help bring people together in the worst case scenarios.
The pair accepted their awards onstage at the Jazz at the Lincoln Center Frederick P Rose Hall in New York City. Hanes worth lauded Augustus Clarke as the visionary who now lives in Los An geles and other co pro ducer Trent Cooper for helping this now nationally recognized work become a reality. Something tells me that this is just the beginning of remarkable things to come from this group of creative artists from the place we call the B-Lo.
Respect and Honor to the creative artists and congratulations on your art being recognized!