Still Our Ancestors Cry!

By BaBa Omowale Eng

BaBa Omowale Eng

No impromptu attempt at a dissertation outlining the extent of Our Maafa could do justice to hearing of our People’s Cry to have their story told. That full story must come from the soul/spirit of Our People demanding justice! Demanding justice for them and through that demanding it for ourselves.

My name is BaBa Omowale Eng and from what I have learned from studying our history is that Our Ancestors were forced to undergo the greatest tragedy known to human beings on this planet.

And let me be clear, the mere idea of tragedy is not even sufficient to bring to mind the horrors experienced by the human beings who are our Ancestors.

The fact that there was peace that was more than just the absence of war in the Nationhood built by our Ancestors is important. Africans BEFORE the beginning of the Transatlantic Slave trade lived in a peace and prosperity not known since that time!

Understanding that Peace is essential to knowing what the Maafa is and what we should understand it as being more than just the absence of war. From my studies, it was a peace based on the ability of our ancestors to achieve Maat in their day to day lives. That meant they were able to establish a harmony among themselves and thereby align themselves with the Truth of Creation, in alignment with Our Creator.

They were, through mutual agreements, able to establish order in a society that was brought together based upon the balance and harmony of people’s thinking and being in the world. Everyone had to agree to do what was right or be exiled or ostracized from our society. It was that simple.

Once that agreement was had, all people embraced the idea of reciprocity and were willing to give of themselves in order to receive what they needed for family and community. We understood that family was the building block of Nationhood and therefore we gave everything to our families and community. By that commitment we were able to build a Nation that was united in a solidarity that astounded the world. Ma’at was the governing ideology of our Nationhood.

That concept of Nationhood, national government, was copied from us from the very beginning, ie, the whole idea of American democracy came from white people studying how we governed ourselves and then twisting it to fit their agenda. Even to the point of naming their highest office, The Whitehouse, after THE ORIGINAL WHITEHOUSE THAT WAS FIRST BUILT IN ANCIENT KEMIT/AFRICA!

I am talking about Black people, Africans in Kush and Punt. Zimbabwe and Alkebulan before the invasion of white people that started with the Hittites and then the Hyksos and then the Macedonians and then the rest of the European hordes that gathered together to steal what they saw us build. YES, STEALWHAT THEY SAW US BUILD, COPYALL THAT WAS GOOD and force us to build for them what came to be known as European civilization.

My people, understanding these time lines is important because the Maafa did not begin with us in chains or what we have come to know as the transatlantic slave trade. It began when the first white people came in contact and conquest with the Original Human beings that Our Creator placed on this planet, Us.

So, when we talk about the continuation of the great tragedy, the Maafa, where white people decided again to attack, wage war against and enslave Black people, we have to start with each of the truths as we know them from documentation.

For example, when we get to the Berlin Conference where European hordes came together again and decided to enslave African people and carve up Africa, take the natural resources/riches out of Africa and build what they would call Civilization, we first have look at what hordes are we talking about? Well, we are talking about Spain and Portugal; the Dutch and the French, the Belgians and the Arabs, the Germans and the Italians, and most all of the white countries that had armies and ships.

Next, we look at the intent which came to be known as the transatlantic slave trade. For that, there is documentation, the records kept at the Insurance companies, with the families that financed this European enterprise. They came together here in America, in Great Britain and other countries where white people kept records so they could keep profiting off of our enslavement. According to the records kept in London, Germany and Arabia, for example, they estimate that over 100 million Africans were taken out of Africa between 1400 and 1866/67. Other sources estimate even higher numbers of Africans taken from the shores of Africa. Remember, we know that white people always try to minimize the harm and wrong they are caught doing so as to justify minimum punishment or responsibility.

(To Be Continued Next Week)


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