Defy the Lie and Embrace the Truth

By BaBa Omowale Eng

The idea that Black people are in any way inferior to Whites is the myth created out of the obsession of White people with Black excellence. From the reality of Napoleans’ visit to Kemit and being forced to witness the greatness of Black people as manifested in all of enormous monuments and statutes attesting to the magnificence of Kemitic civilization, to the excellence of the intellectual achievements of Black people in constructing pyramids and colosseums and labyrinths. When you follow that psychological trajectory from Napoleon and the minds of those responsible for the Berlin Conference and then those who planned of the enslavement of Black people and exploitation of Black labor on plantations throughout North America, you can see that those involved in that diabolical plan had to conceive a mythology that would explain the how and why of enslaving and brutalizing Black people. They had to do that in order to make the Black bodies portrayed to the world as ugly and the beauty of the faces with wide nostrils and dreadlocked hair shown in the magnificent strength of the sphinx as monstrous. They had to make themselves and the world believe that Black people had no worth.

BaBa Omowale Eng

Just think for a moment, knowing the history of the debauchery of hangings and castrations and disembowlements along with the rapes, murders and beatings of Black people, then ask yourself how could one human being to that to another. Well, the answer to that vital question is that they first had to convince themselves that we were not even human. I think that is when they actually removed the E from Hueman because we all know explicitly that the Hue means a creature with color, unlike the Europeans who genetically have no color and hence the replacement of the true word Hue, with the lie, of Human without the E, and without color. So, my people, when we talk about the idea that White people are always in conspiracies to manipulate the condition and thinking of Black people, it should not be questioned or come as a shock because we are talking about them maintaining their standard of living in the world which depends on how Black people are thinking and living.

That reminds me of an experiment that I recently saw that makes the point. Let me paint the picture for you. A White Woman professor was giving a lecture at one of the large Universities and she was in this very large auditorium that seated maybe a thousand people. Well, at the begininning of the lecture, she asked a question of the audience, which were all White. She asked: “Please raise your hand if you would for one day exchange places with Black people in America?” Not one person out of the thousand White people in that audience raised their hand, which shows that White people know exactly how horrible is the condition that most Black people are forced to live in right here in America today. Just think about that, not one white person in that room would raise their hand to trade their lives for even one day to experience what they know Black people experience every day.

If that is the overarching reality of life in America, which is ostensibly the most advanced society on the planet, then please pay attention when we are talking about the conspiracy to destroy Black boys or the conspiracy to destroy Black girls or whatever we discover in the plotting and planning of White people to keep Black people down. Because we know that every minute out of every day, White folks must plan and set it up so they remain in charge and we remain powerless. That is why they are all about maintaining the so-called status quo, with the good ‘kneegrows’ that support them and bow down to their schemes.

Some things we know about because fortunately throughout our history we have had Black men and women scholars who have taken on the task of monitoring the political and social sciences of America and the World, for our protection and just like White men and White women have their think tanks to manipulate the social order for their benefit, we must have our people, supported in think tanks devoted to a Black Agenda that protects our interest. For example, paying attention means reading Brothers like Jacob Carruthers, who wrote a book for us to examine these realities entitled “Intellectual Warfare” and Brother Asa Hilliard, who told us about the meeting that was had back in 1980, where then President Ronald Reagan, a staunch racist, called a meeting at The Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco, to assemble so-called current Black leaders who were acceptable to White people’s agenda for the sole purpose of replacing the real Black leadership in America with Black men and women that racist Republicans wanted in place to act as buffers to contradict the real leadership voices that were developing in Black Inner City America. Voices of Brothers such as Imari Barraka out of Newark, New Jersey and others like him across the country who really had the interest of Black people in their analysis and offerings of leadership strategies to Black People.

We must reignite that kind of leadership among ourselves in order to push back against the onslaught of lies and manipulations that are now set against us more than at any other time in America and the world. My people, I have ask you to please pay attention and act on what you know by uniting for our very survival in this country, as there are forces that are now and that requires deep conversations and honest communication among all of us. We know who we are and we also know who among us are not authentic and are in place for their own interest, which alig moving to dismantle every democratic gain that authentic Black, Brown and White people have made towards to the rejoining of The Hueman family against the interest of those whites who would lock us out and lock us up in grave yards or jail cells as they destroy democracy as we know it, and raise the flag of fascism right here in a country that real authentic people have built together.

My People, please pay attention and communicate what you see and hear until we reach the clarity of vision, strategy and action necessary for our salvation and liberation. Asante Sana, ~ BaBa Omowale Eng


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